On February 12th and 13th, a series of workshops, meetings,
and presentations on the topic of walkable communities was
held in Los Alamos. The event
was jointly sponsored by LA Walks and the Los Alamos National
Laboratory. Its purpose was to bring together key decision-makers
with members of the community to explore how enhancing walkability,
pedestrian safety, and alternative transportation can improve
the overall quality of life in the community.
Dan Burden led and facilitated the activities. Dan is a nationally recognized authority on pedestrian and bicycle facilities, urban sprawl, and traffic calming. He has helped over 200 communities in the U.S. and abroad come to terms with conflicts between walking, bicycling, and motor vehicle traffic.
Dan Burden has 25 years of experience in developing, promoting and evaluating alternative transportation facilities, traffic calming practices and sustainable community design. He served for 16 years as State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the Florida DOT, and is now the Executive Director of Walkable Communities, Inc., a non-profit organization helping people develop walkable communities throughout North America. Time magazine in 2001 included him in its prediction of the most innovative people of the 21st Century. (See the Time profile "He Takes Back the Streets for Walking".) Dan was also featured in a recent article in Sierra, "Man about towns". It's a good summary of "the Johnny Appleseed of livable communities".
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